Hi, I’m Clarice Groeneveld and I’m the director of the Cordeliers AI and Bioinformatics (CAIBI) Core Facility at the Cordeliers Research Center.
Previously, I was a post-doctoral fellow at MUST team in the Cordeliers and a earned my doctorate at PSL Research University as a member of Radvanyi lab at Institut Curie and CIT La Ligue under Aurélien de Reyniès.
I’m passionate about using molecular data to find biological insights that can lead to more treatment options for patients. I particularly love exploring and visualizing shiny new molecular data of all kinds for insights, and creating tools to do it better, faster or in a more reproducible fashion. I have experience with bulk epigenetic, transcriptomic and proteomic data, as well as single-cell experiments, spatial transcriptomics and like to dip my toe into image analysis.
I strive to write and implement well thought-out and documented methods to do my research, both methodological and scientific. I started this blog to share some code to help myself and others to carry out more reproducible research.
Post-Doc (Cordeliers Research Center, Université Paris-Cité) - Tumor microenvironment - Jul 2023 - ongoing
Doctorate (PSL Research University, Institut Curie and Cordeliers Research Center) | Sep 2020 - Jul 2023 | Bladder cancer heterogeneity and TME.
Masters (Bioinformatics, Federal University of Paraná) | Mar 2017 - Mar 2019 | Regulatory network analyses and framework development
BEng Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology (Federal University of Paraná, study abroad at University of Sydney) | Mar 2010 - Jun 2016
Check out my full publication record on ORCID.